Since 2003, we have made more than 60 price and reimbursement dossiers, for both national and multinational pharmaceutical companies.
Evidence synthesis studies
Since 2003, we have conducted several dozen meta-analyzes and systematic reviews.
As an example, we highlight the following article published in PharmacoEconomics in 2017.
Social return on investment studies
We have carried out and published numerous studies on the social return on investment (similar to cost-benefit analyzes) derived from the health and economic impact of a health intervention.
Observational studies
We have experience in conducting observational studies with economic objectives.
We highlight as examples the
PREGECAM studies.
Multicriteria analysis
We have extensive experience in conducting multi-criteria analysis. In this regard, it is worth noting two conferences given in October-November 2018 at the the Jordan Food and Drugs Administration and the 9th International Conference of the Royal Medical Services: “Value of Oncology Drugs: Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis”.
Since 1979, we have more than 270 publications. If you want to see the list of our publications since 2003, as well as download a selection of them in pdf format, please click on the PUBLICATIONS link.
We have published numerous articles on research methodology and economic analysis methods. We highlight the following examples: